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OUR STRATEGYInforming global debates with workers' experiences

Our mission is to improve working conditions for workers in informal employment, and to challenge the systems that cause poverty and inequality to build a more just world of work. A just world of work is one where workers’ rights are at the heart of economic, social and climate policies.

We do this with these strategies:

  • We develop research with and for workers

    to improve statistics and expand knowledge on the informal economy. This helps us to debunk the harmful economic, legal and policy narratives that undermine and stigmatize workers – including women, migrants, and racial and ethnic minorities.

  • We support worker power

    so workers can build organizations – such as trade unions and cooperatives within the social and solidarity economy – to raise their demands and change policies. Together, we can transform who has a seat at the negotiating table, so women workers in informal employment are fairly represented and can take leadership positions.

  • We analyze and develop more inclusive laws and policies

    that respect, protect and fulfil workers’ rights. This enables us to reimagine the world of work and ensure a just transition where workers in informal employment are recognized and valued.