All posts in Domestic Workers
Building Collective Power November 22, 2020Trabajadoras y trabajadores en empleo informal ven un largo camino hacia la recuperación, a menos que los gobiernos actúen
Los datos arrojados por la primera fase del estudio sobre la crisis de la COVID-19 y la economía informal, dirigido por WIEGO en 12 ciudades,...
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Domestic Workers, Risk and Social Protection in Nepal
Most domestic workers in Nepal are employed in live-out arrangements with multiple employers while others, many of them adolescent girls,...
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The Costs of Insecurity: Domestic Workers’ Access to Social Protection and Services in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Domestic workers in Bangladesh carry the heavy cost of inadequate investment in the provision of social protection and services and survey...
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VimoSEWA Case Study
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SEWA Social Security Case Studies
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WIEGO Briefing Note on Violence at Work
The ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190), and the accompanying Recommendation (R206) were adopted in 2019. This briefing...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study November 09, 2020Coping with COVID-19: SEWA’s Domestic Workers on the Pandemic and Beyond
Two domestic workers from India share their experiences about the impact of COVID-19 and the lockdown on their work and lives, the difficulties...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study November 09, 2020Cómo hacerle frente a la COVID-19: las trabajadoras del hogar de SEWA durante la pandemia y más allá
Dos trabajadoras domésticas de India comparten su experiencia sobre el impacto de la COVID-19 y el aislamiento obligatorio en su trabajo...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study October 27, 2020Domestic workers are on the frontline of this pandemic, and at risk
Worldwide, at least 67 million people are employed as domestic workers. Their work allows families living in those households to do their...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study October 27, 2020Trabajadoras del hogar: en primera línea de la pandemia y en riesgo
En todo el mundo, al menos 67 millones de personas están empleadas como trabajadoras del hogar. Gracias a su labor, que permite que las familias...
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