All posts in Domestic Workers
October 07, 2020‘Punished for their poverty’: Street traders in South Africa
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COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy Study
WIEGO and our partners are listening long and hard to informal workers through our multi-city study: COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy....
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Child Care October 01, 2020Global Day of Action: Invest in Care, Now!
WIEGO is joining the Global Day of Action for Care on 29 October 2020, calling on governments to invest in public health and care service...
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Historia del movimiento de las personas trabajadoras del hogar en México: CACEH, el Sindicato y acontecimientos recientes
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Trabajadoras y trabajadores en empleo informal durante la crisis de la COVID-19
En una respuesta inmediata a la COVID-19, WIEGO llevó a cabo una evaluación rápida para entender cómo están afectando la pandemia y las medidas...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study August 29, 2020COVID-19: What happens to women with low incomes after they lose their jobs?
“It’s very hard to see what the other end of this crisis is going to look like at the grassroots level, at the base of the economic...
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Your Toolkit on ILO Convention 189 — The Domestic Workers’ Convention (Amharic)
Toolkits and Guides
Mwongozo wa Mkataba Namba 189-wa Wafanyakazi wa Majumbani
Law & Informality Insights
The Impact of COVID-19 Laws on Informal Workers: A Review of 51 Countries
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August 2020 This edition of Law and Informality Insights analyzes the COVID-19 laws with an informal worker lens, with a particular focus...
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