All posts in Domestic Workers
Building Collective Power February 15, 2024Statistics as a Catalyst for Making Women Workers Visible
Renana Jhabvala, co-founder of SEWA and former chair of WIEGO, talks about the historical relationship between both organizations, and the...
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How the Cost-of-Living Crisis Hurts Workers in Informal Employment in Bangkok, Thailand
The cost-of-living crisis is affecting workers in informal employment in Bangkok in many ways, including forcing their households to cut...
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Shouldering the Burden: Impacts of the Cost-of-Living Crisis on Workers in Informal Employment in Bangkok, Thailand
The qualitative data collected in this Policy Brief show how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting workers in informal employment in Bangkok....
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Building Collective Power June 29, 2023Improving the Visibility of the Philippines’ Informal Workforce
In this interview, Lourdes Gula, President of PATAMABA, talks about the legacy of the organization of informal workers in the Philippines...
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Collective Bargaining June 14, 2023African Domestic Workers Fighting for Rights and Reclaiming Power
Society is still not valuing domestic workers more than a decade after the International Labour Organization adopted a convention extending...
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Decent Work for Domestic Workers: Analyzing the Implementation of C189 in Latin America and the Caribbean
This Resource Document examines the measures that 17 Latin American and Caribbean countries have taken towards implementing C189: Argentina,...
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Documento de posicionamento global: Uma transição justa para as pessoas trabalhadoras em empregos informais: Considerações para a 111.ª sessão do debate geral da CIT
Neste resumo, a WIEGO e quatro redes globais de pessoas trabalhadoras em empregos informais, incluindo a HomeNet International, a Aliança...
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Global Position Paper: A Just Transition for Workers in Informal Employment, prepared for the 111th session of the International Labour Conference
In this brief, WIEGO and four global networks of workers in informal employment including HomeNet International, the International Alliance...
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Não deixar ninguém para trás: Construir uma proteção do trabalho inclusiva num mundo do trabalho em evolução, 111.ª Sessão da CIT, 2023
Damos as boas-vindas ao relatório de fundo da OIT (Organização Internacional do Trabalho), focado nas dimensões da proteção trabalhista,...
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111-я сессия МКТ, 2023 г. – Никого не оставляя позади: создание всеобъемлющей системы охраны труда в быстроменяющемся меняющемся мире
Мы приветствуем справочный доклад МОТ, в котором основное внимание уделяется аспектам охраны труда, определенным формам занятости и определенным...
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