All posts in Domestic Workers
Legal Instruments
The Magna Carta for the Kasambahay, 2010
This bill seeks to protect domestic helpers from abuse at the hands of their employers and to guarantee them the enjoyment of their fundamental...
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Labour Domestic Workers Employment Regulations, 1992
This document outlines the minimum wages and conditions of employment for domestic workers in Zimbabwe.
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Informal Workers in Bangkok, Thailand: Scan of Four Occupational Sectors
“Informal Workers in Bangkok: A Scan of Four Occupational Sectors” explores key issues facing street vendors, motorcycle taxi...
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Votre trousse d’outils sur la C189 de l’OIT ‒ la Convention sur les travailleuses et travailleurs domestiques
WIEGO et la FITD ont fait équipe pour élaborer cette trousse d’outils afin de soutenir les affiliées de la FITD dans leurs efforts de traduire...
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“Decent Work for Domestic Workers” Campaign
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Report of the Launch of the African Domestic Workers Network
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Women’s Economic Empowerment – Domestic Workers
Domestic Workers’ Leadership for EmpowermentEconomic and Employment Rights: Advancing Domestic Workers’ Leadership
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Informal Workers and the Law
WIEGO works with four main occupational groups of informal workers: domestic workers, home-based workers, street vendors and waste pickers....
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Livelihoods August 01, 2019Trabajadoras y trabajadores en la economía informal celebran la aprobación de un nuevo estándar internacional sobre la eliminación de la violencia y el acoso
por Leslie Vryenhoek junto con Karin Pape y Rachel Moussié La Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo (CIT) votó a favor de la aprobación del...
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Livelihoods August 01, 2019Travailleuses et travailleurs de l’informel fêtent l’approbation d’une nouvelle convention internationale concernant l’élimination de la violence et du harcèlement
par Leslie Vryenhoek avec Karin Pape et Rachel Moussié La Conférence internationale du Travail (CIT) a voté pour l’adoption de la Convention...
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