All posts in Domestic Workers
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Domestic Workers and Law
Domestic workers provide essential services (e.g. cleaning, cooking, childcare, gardening) in other peoples’ homes─which allows others...
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Ratification by Countries of Domestic Workers’ Convention (C189)
These countries have ratified the Domestic Workers Convention 2011 (C189) and Recommendation (No. 201): 2020 Namibia* Mexico* 2019 Madagascar Sweden 2018 Brazil GrenadaPeru 2017 Guinea 2016 Jamaica ...
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Challenges of Measuring Domestic Workers
The information in this web page is based on personal communications with Françoise Carré and Joann Vanek (2010) of the WIEGO Statistics...
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Typology of Domestic Workers
This material is drawn from Chen, Martha A. 2011. “Recognizing Domestic Workers, Regulating Domestic Work: Conceptual, Measurement, and Regulatory...
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Domestic Workers
Overview on domestic workers, numbers and challenges: More than 60 million domestic workers in the world provide essential services so others...
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Global Advocacy and Negotiations July 30, 2019New international labour standard will help protect vulnerable workers from violence and harassment
When the 2019 International Labour Conference voted to adopt Convention 190 on Ending Violence and Harassment in the World of Work (C190),...
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Domestic Workers and C189: Making it Real, Africa
Millions of women work long hours, in dangerous conditions, for little pay. They are fighting for change, with the help of ILO Convention...
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Global Advocacy and Negotiations March 11, 2019Cities are undermining the potential of universal cash grants to support women’s economic empowerment and reduce poverty
Ninety-two per cent of women’s employment in the developing world is in the informal economy, and as urbanization proceeds an increasing...
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Livelihoods February 06, 2019Roma, galardonada y candidata a los Óscar y algunas lecturas imprescindibles sobre el trabajo del hogar
El próximo mes, sabremos si el conmovedor retrato del director Alfonso Cuarón Orozco sobre una trabajadora del hogar en México en los años...
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Legal Empowerment January 15, 2019With “Roma” in the Awards Circle, Here are Our Must-reads on Domestic Workers
Next month, we’ll find out if director Alfonso Cuarón Orozco’s moving portrayal of a domestic worker in 1970s Mexico will gain nods from...
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