All posts in Home-Based Workers
Policy/Position Documents
Position Paper: Leaving no one behind – Building inclusive labour protection in an evolving world of work prepared for the 111th Session of the International Labour Conference
We welcome the ILO background report, which focuses on dimensions of labour protection, certain forms of employment and certain groups of...
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Documento de posicionamento global: Alcançar uma transição justa às economias e sociedades ambientalmente sustentáveis para todas as pessoas, elaborado para a 111.ª Sessão da Conferência Internacional do Trabalho
As redes internacionais de pessoas trabalhadoras na economia informal e a WIEGO dão as boas-vindas ao relatório da Organização Internacional...
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Глобальный документ с изложением позиции организаций работников неформальной экономики 111-я сессия МКТ – Общее обсуждение: Достижение справедливого перехода к экологически устойчивой экономике и обществу для всех
Международные сети работников неформальной экономики и WIEGO приветствуют доклад МОТ «Достижение справедливого перехода к экологически устойчивой...
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Position Paper from Workers’ Organizations in the Informal Economy on: Achieving a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all, prepared for the 111th Session of the International Labour Conference
International networks of workers in the informal economy and WIEGO welcome the ILO report on Achieving a just transition towards environmentally...
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Статистические данные, вытекающие из анализа о надомных работниках в мире
Во всем мире 260 миллионов женщин и мужчин производят товары у себя на дому или предоставляют услуги по дому: 86% из которых (или более 224...
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Statistical Insights on Home-Based Workers in the World
Globally, 260 million women and men produce goods or provide services from in or around their homes: 86% (more than 224 million workers)...
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Climate Change and Just Transition March 15, 2023Climate Crisis, Health and Informality: Building a Movement Across Borders
Workers in informal employment experience frequent workplace exposure to a range of occupational health and safety risks. The climate crisis...
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Pessoas em emprego informal no Brasil: Um perfil estatístico
Pessoas trabalhadoras do Brasil, pessoas trabalhadoras domésticas do Brasil, pessoas catadoras de recicláveis brasileiras, COVID-19 no Brasil. ...
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Building Collective Power February 10, 2023The Journey Towards Recognition and Rights for Home-Based Workers in Pakistan
Home-based workers in Pakistan’s Sindh province achieved a historic victory with legislation that gives approximately 5 million home-based...
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Home-Based Workers’ Access to Social Protection: Lessons Learned from the IDPoor Programme in Cambodia
This joint WIEGO and HomeNet Cambodia study adds to the limited research on home-based workers and their access to social-protection programmes...
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