All posts in Street Vendors & Market Traders
Global Position Paper prepared for the General Discussion on the Social and Solidarity Economy, 110th Session of the International Labour Conference
Les réseaux internationaux de travailleurs de l’économie informelle1 et WIEGO saluent le rapport de l’OIT sur le travail décent et l’économie...
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110 -я сессия МКТ – Глобальный документ с изложением позиции организаций работников неформальной экономики
Международные сети организаций работников неформальной экономики1 и WIEGO приветствуют доклад МОТ о достойном труде и экономике социальной...
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Global Position Paper from Workers’ Organizations in the Informal Economy on Decent Work and the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), Prepared for the 110th Session of the International Labour Conference
International networks of workers in the informal economy and WIEGO welcome the ILO report on decent work and the social and solidarity economy...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study April 26, 2022The Pandemic is Not Over
The rhetoric of an easing COVID-19 pandemic obscures the array of occupational health and safety risks that the world’s informal workers...
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Extending social protection for informal workers in Togo
Law & Informality Insights
Social Movement Lawyering: A Reflection on the Nature of Law and Lawyering Through the Lens of Informal Workers
Applying insights from critical legal studies, this issue of Law and Informality Insights explores how informal workers use the law to resolve...
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Social Protection for Self-Employed Informal Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: A rights-based assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis
Informal workers make up a large proportion of the “missing middle” in social protection – those who are not considered vulnerable enough...
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Renu, a Vendor Leader in Bangkok, Thailand
ภาษาไทย Renu is the leader of the Muubaan Nakila Service Cooperative, which is active in her housing estate in Bangkok. Along with other...
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COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy in Accra, Ghana: Lasting Impacts and an Agenda for Recovery
Informal workers in and around Accra’s markets – street vendors, market traders and kayayei – provide affordable goods and services and form...
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Inclusive Public Space Planning & Design: Lessons from Asiye eTafuleni, Durban, South Africa.
This document reflects on the work of Asiye eTafuleni, a non-profit organization operating out of inner-city Durban, South Africa. Asiye...
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