Working in Public Space: Manual and Resources for Street Vendors
Read the Working in Public Space manual
See myths and facts about street vendors and other informal workers
Find organizing manuals for workers in the informal economy (also available in French, Portuguese and Spanish). This series of six resource books on organizing in the informal economy offers practical ideas and tools based on real experiences from around the world.
Read The Only School We Have: Learning from Organizing Experiences Across the Informal Economy Another resource on organizing is this guidebook for building membership-based organizations with success stories from around the world.
Learn about a model framework for local collective bargaining
This provides ideas on the type of collective bargaining system that street traders and their organizations could fight for. The ideas come from StreetNet’s research into collective bargaining experiences of street trader organizations in Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), India, Kenya, Malawi, Nicaragua, Senegal and Spain.
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