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Los recicladores y recicladoras, a pesar de mantener limpias las ciudades se enfrentan a condiciones peligrosas y precarias que afectan a su salud. Su salud y bienestar se ven amenazados a diario. Mientras recolectan y seleccionan los residuos urbanos, quedan expuestos a materiales y condiciones...
WIEGO’s Exposure Dialogue Programme (EDP) on Law and Informality brought global experts to Ahmedabad, India, to stay two nights in the homes of Self-Employed Women´s Association (SEWA) members. Experts followed workers in their daily schedules — from morning religious rituals to long days on dump...
Waste pickers may keep cities clean, but they face hazardous conditions on the job. Their health and wellbeing is at risk on a daily basis. As they collect and sort urban waste, they are exposed to dangerous materials and workplace conditions, among other issues. Earlier this year, WIEGO launched...
A step-by-step guide to building empowerment among women waste pickers By Sonia Dias and Ana Carolina Ogando Women across the globe share an uphill battle to break through glass ceilings and social stigmas in achieving equal wealth and status. But among the poor, those battles carry extra burdens...
Por Sonia Dias , Ana Carolina Ogando , y Vanessa Pillay Las mujeres recicladoras se enfrentan a muchos desafíos para mantener sus medios de sustento, y las cuestiones de género son uno de ellos. Por ejemplo, puede que no se les permita el acceso a materiales reciclables de alto valor, y es menos...
WIEGO’s Organizing and Representation Programme and Urban Policies Programme works with waste picker organizations in South Africa and Brazil to identify the unique needs of women working in this sector and how those needs can be addressed. On this International Women’s Day, we go behind the scenes...
On International Waste Picker Day, WIEGO’s Sonia Dias tells us what works and the challenges ahead In recent years, waste pickers have made significant progress in gaining greater recognition as key environmental and economic agents. Their work collecting recyclables from city streets and keeping...
En el Día Internacional de los Recicladores y Recicladoras, Sonia Dias, de WIEGO, nos relata las experiencias que han funcionado y los retos pendientes En los últimos años, la población recicladora ha logrado avances significativos en la consecución de un mayor reconocimiento como agentes...
Por Sonia Dias y Ana Carolina Ogando Aunque hay estudios académicos que se centran cada vez más en el reciclaje y la gestión de residuos sólidos, incluyendo las amenazas y riesgos que enfrentan las recicladoras y los recicladores informales, existe todavía un vacío en lo que se refiere a la...
By Sonia Dias and Ana Carolina Ogando While academic studies increasingly focus on waste picking and solid waste management, including the threats and risks faced by informal recyclers, there is still a gap when it comes to understanding the gender dynamics and sexual division of labour involved in...
Videos / Slideshows / Audio
Millions of women work long hours, in dangerous conditions, for little pay. They are fighting for change, with the help of ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. Watch this video to learn how.
Workers Education/Organizing Materials
This manual helps street vendors learn more about the regulations that govern public space and how to defend the right to work in public space. It describes successful actions taken by street vendor organizations. And it offers information to help you organize and negotiate with local government.
WIEGO Working Papers
Mike Rogan reviews how informal workers are taxed, why there is growing interest in taxing them, and whether they should be included in the tax net.