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A flyer for an event of the People's Summit in Rio, June 2012
In Pune, KKPKP (the waste pickers’ union) has fought long and hard to bring about a gradual change in peoples’ attitude towards waste pickers. The struggle for rights took the form of public protests, campaigns and advocacy at the local and national level. Consequently, the Pune Municipal...
Didi Bahini Sewa Samaj supports urban home-based workers through training, saving and credit services, and collective work opportunities that improve income. But equally important, the group creates a safe space for women to find mutual support and to build their confidence. (Também disponível em...
Elaine Jones, Global Trade Programme Director at WIEGO, participated in the Women for Women conference in the UK in June, 2012. Listen to her presentation and others here .
Fact Sheet Produced for the Rio+20 international conference in 2012, this fact sheet details how sectors within the informal economy are playing an important role in climate change mitigation and providing other environmental benefits.
TED Summary: Robert Neuwirth spent four years among the chaotic stalls of street markets, talking to pushcart hawkers and gray marketers, to study the remarkable "System D," the world's unlicensed economic network. Responsible for some 1.8 billion jobs, it's an economy of underappreciated power and...
A booklet for advocacy around the global social floor: while essentially supportive of the idea of the floor, it also identifies specific needs and demands of informal workers in the area of social protection. The four pillars of decent work are employment opportunities, workers’ rights...
Los cuatro pilares del trabajo decente son: oportunidades de empleo, derechos de los trabajadores, representación y la protección social. Los trabajadores informales trabajan en condiciones sin regulaciones y sin protección, con poco o ningún acceso a la protección social. En la 101a sesión de la...
Les quatre piliers du travail décent sont : les possibilités d'emploi, les droits des travailleurs, la représentation et la protection sociale. Les travailleurs informels exercent dans des conditions non réglementées et non protégés, avec peu ou pas accès à la protection sociale. Lors de la 101e...
Videos / Slideshows / Audio
Millions of women work long hours, in dangerous conditions, for little pay. They are fighting for change, with the help of ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. Watch this video to learn how.
Workers Education/Organizing Materials
This manual helps street vendors learn more about the regulations that govern public space and how to defend the right to work in public space. It describes successful actions taken by street vendor organizations. And it offers information to help you organize and negotiate with local government.
WIEGO Working Papers
Mike Rogan reviews how informal workers are taxed, why there is growing interest in taxing them, and whether they should be included in the tax net.