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Por Tania Espinosa Sánchez Basureando El papa Francisco ha hecho del medio ambiente y los pobres una prioridad máxima desde que asumió su influentísimo puesto como cabeza de la Iglesia Católica. Pero, este enfoque no es nuevo; lleva muchos años trabajando para traer mayor dignidad a los trabajadores...
By Victoria Okoye, Urban Advocacy Specialist, WIEGO In Accra, there exists a perpetual tension between the city’s street vendors and hawkers who hustle for a living on the city’s sidewalks and pavement, and the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), which seeks to limit and clear their activities from...
Por Victoria Okoye En Accra, existe una tensión permanente entre los comerciantes ambulantes de la ciudad que luchan por ganarse la vida en las aceras y calzadas de la ciudad, y la Asamblea Metropolitana de Accra (AMA, por sus siglas en inglés), que busca limitar y reducir sus actividades de estos...
By Ela Bhatt Gandhian Activist Founder, Self-Employed Women’s Association Founding Chair, WIEGO Network The news that a trade union and its partners in the National Dialogue Quartet in Tunisia had been selected for the Nobel Peace Prize was heartening for all of us who believe in peaceful political...
In Bangkok, Samlion Jintapo now runs a small grocery shop from her home. She used to supplement her income from the shop by selling cosmetics door-to-door, making an additional $140 US per month. But in 2013, Samlion had to give up the door-to-door sales work when rising gas prices dramatically...
En Bangkok, Samlion Jintapo, lleva una pequeña tienda de verduras desde su hogar. Ella solía suplementar sus ingresos de la tienda vendiendo cosméticos puerta a puerta, ganando 140 USD adicionales al mes. Pero en 2013, la subida de precios de la gasolina incrementó dramáticamente sus gastos en...
Since 2007, WIEGO has worked with waste picker groups around the world that organize and represent people who support themselves by selling and re-using what other people have cast aside as trash. These groups struggle to ensure that waste pickers are formally recognized and fairly remunerated for...
Por Melanie Sampson Desde 2007, WIEGO ha trabajado con grupos de recicladores y recicladoras alrededor del mundo que organizan y representan a gente que se gana la vida vendiendo y reutilizando lo que otros han desechado como basura. Estos grupos luchan por conseguir que estos trabajadores sean...
This is the second of a two-part essay on women home-based workers in Sunder Nagari slum in Delhi. Read part one here . When we visited Sunder Nagari, a slum in Delhi, in the middle of the day, it was a buzz of activity. Nearly every tiny home was a site of economic production, with many women and...
This is the first of a two-part essay on women home-based workers in Sunder Nagari slum in Delhi. Read part two here . In the narrow bylanes of Delhi’s Sunder Nagari slum, Shama and Phoolbano conduct their livelihood activities outside their tiny homes. Sunder Nagari is one of the largest...
Videos / Slideshows / Audio
Millions of women work long hours, in dangerous conditions, for little pay. They are fighting for change, with the help of ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. Watch this video to learn how.
Workers Education/Organizing Materials
This manual helps street vendors learn more about the regulations that govern public space and how to defend the right to work in public space. It describes successful actions taken by street vendor organizations. And it offers information to help you organize and negotiate with local government.
WIEGO Working Papers
Mike Rogan reviews how informal workers are taxed, why there is growing interest in taxing them, and whether they should be included in the tax net.