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There is a growing consensus in the international community that economic growth needs to be inclusive: that it needs to be broad-based and create productive employment opportunities for the majority of the working-age population. But there is less consensus about what should be done about the informal economy.


Preguntas y respuestas con Chris Bonner, Directora del Programa de Organización y Representación de WIEGO

P: ¿Podría decirnos cuál es su papel como Directora del Programa de Organización y Representación de WIEGO, y cuál es su enfoque para organizar a los trabajadores en la economía informal?


Q&A with Chris Bonner WIEGO’s Director of Organization and 
Representation Programme

Q: Could you briefly tell us about your role as WIEGO's Organization and Representation Programme Director and your approach to organizing informal workers?

Las discusiones sobre las desigualdades de salud se centran a menudo en los obstáculos que los pobres enfrentan en lo que concierne al acceso a los servicios de salud. Esto es, sin duda, un aspecto importante en el debate sobre la provisión de estos servicios.

Discussions about health inequalities often focus on the barriers that poor people face in accessing health services. This is certainly an important aspect of the debate on health service provision. What is often missed, however, is the fact that many poor people are also workers, particularly informal workers, who may experience particular barriers to access based on the nature and place of their work, and may have occupational health needs as well as a need for general health services.