'Good jobs' and hidden costs: Women workers documenting the price of precarious employmentGender and Development

Thalia Kidder, Kate Raworth
  • Article Title: 'Good jobs' and hidden costs: Women workers documenting the price of precarious employment
  • Title of Journal: Gender and Development
  • Vol #: 12
  • Issue #: 2

This article describes the precarious terms and conditions of employment experienced by millions of women working in global supply chains in the food and garment industries, and describes the main forces leading to that precariousness. It then presents a typology of costs and determinants of precarious employment, in the form of a matrix, which serves as an analytical framework for
documenting the hidden costs borne by women workers. Thirdly, the article presents some of the approaches used by Oxfam International and partner organisations to make calculations of those costs, including the challenges encountered. Lastly, the article suggests several ways in which the matrix could be used and some ideas for further research.

Informal Economy Theme
Publication Type