Women’s Experiences of Street Trading in Cape Town and its Impact on Their Well-­being

Sharyn Ruth Sassen
  • Title: Women’s Experiences of Street Trading in Cape Town and its Impact on Their Well-­being
  • Resource Title: Women’s Experiences of Street Trading in Cape Town and its Impact on Their Well-­being

Student Dissertation - Street traders face various barriers including societal marginalization and pervasive poverty, threatening their well-being.


The scarcity of occupational therapy literature around informal economy occupations limits the profession’s understanding about what engagement in such occupations entails.


While available literature around work in the informal economy emphasises economic contributions to development, there is limited evidence that informal business owners effectively escape vulnerability.


Student papers posted on WIEGO's website have not been commissioned, vetted or otherwise approved by WIEGO. They are posted with the student writers' permission as resources to be shared.

Occupational group
Informal Economy Theme