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Exercise 2: Awareness of Gender Relations - Ping-pong Activity This workshop exercise was pulled from the Gender and Waste Toolkit, a publication providing a comprehensive toolkit for teachers, researchers and practitioners on gender in informal waste management systems. This exercise was used to...
Exercise 3 - Autonomy Tree This workshop exercise was pulled from the Gender and Waste Toolkit, a publication providing a comprehensive toolkit for teachers, researchers and practitioners on gender in informal waste management systems. This exercise was used to create an in-depth discussion on...
Exercise 4 - Discussing Gender Roles This workshop exercise was pulled from the Gender and Waste Toolkit, a publication providing a comprehensive toolkit for teachers, researchers and practitioners on gender in informal waste management systems. This exercise was used to encourage reflection on...
Exercise 5 - Closing Session: Evaluating the Workshop This workshop exercise was pulled from the Gender and Waste Toolkit, a publication providing a comprehensive toolkit for teachers, researchers and practitioners on gender in informal waste management systems. This exercise was used as a time to...
Newsletter from WASTE Advisers on Urban Environment and Development. Featured in this issue: - a new series on sustainable financing on sanitation a short description of WASTE's successful workshop for small-scale recycling activities in Sierra Leone
A menudo se ignora el hecho de que los recicladores y las recicladoras son capaces de expresar sus preocupaciones, responder a desafíos y contribuir a las ciudades y a la economía urbana. El recién publicado informe comparativo del Estudio de Monitoreo de la Economía Informal (EMEI) sobre los...
The fact that waste pickers are capable of voicing their concerns, responding to challenges, and contributing to cities and to the urban economy is very often ignored. The recently released Informal Economy Monitoring Study’s (IEMS) comparative report for waste pickers has brought to light evidence...
Por Leslie Vryenhoek El letrero en la entrada al Centro de reciclaje Vaal Park, en Sudáfrica, muestra 23 logos; cada uno representa a un socio público o privado que se ha unido para hacer de esta iniciativa un éxito. Y en el corazón de este centro, hay un equipo de trabajadores con determinación...
The sign at the entrance to the Vaal Park Recycling Centre in South Africa bears 23 logos, each representing a public or private partner that has come on board to help make this initiative a success. And at the heart of this centre is a team of determined workers—all formerly waste pickers on the...
Este video animado de siete minutos muestra cómo ciudades en diferentes continentes han desarrollado diversos esquemas para integrar a los recicladores y las recicladoras a los sistema de manejo de residuos; y cómo todos ‒los recicladores, los residentes de la ciudad y los presupuestos municipales‒...
Videos / Slideshows / Audio
Millions of women work long hours, in dangerous conditions, for little pay. They are fighting for change, with the help of ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. Watch this video to learn how.
Workers Education/Organizing Materials
This manual helps street vendors learn more about the regulations that govern public space and how to defend the right to work in public space. It describes successful actions taken by street vendor organizations. And it offers information to help you organize and negotiate with local government.
WIEGO Working Papers
Mike Rogan reviews how informal workers are taxed, why there is growing interest in taxing them, and whether they should be included in the tax net.