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Background There is widespread recognition, both internationally and in South Africa, that the measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 have impacted particularly negatively on informal workers, whose jobs are precarious, who often depend on daily earnings for survival, and who lack legal and social...
Español Français For International Women's Day, WIEGO amplified the voices of women leaders whose organizations stepped up to provide relief when governments failed to do enough during the COVID-19 pandemic. These are their stories. Marcelina Bautista , founder of the Center for Support and Training...
English Français Para el Día Internacional de las Mujeres, WIEGO reunió las voces de mujeres líderes cuyas organizaciones dieron un paso al frente para brindar ayuda cuando los gobiernos no hicieron lo suficiente durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Estas son sus historias. Marcelina Bautista...
English Español Pour la Journée internationale des femmes, la voix des femmes dirigeantes a été intensifié par WIEGO dont les organisations se sont mobilisées pour apporter des secours lorsque les gouvernements ne sont pas intervenus suffisament pendant la pandémie COVID-19. Voici leurs histoires...
English Français Marcelina Bautista migró desde Oaxaca a la Ciudad de México a sus 14 años y encontró su medio de sustento en el trabajo del hogar. Debido a los maltratos que enfrentó como trabajadora del hogar, Marcelina se dio cuenta que trabajaba en condiciones de servidumbre y que quería cambiar...
English Español Marcelina Bautista, à l’âge de 14 ans, est partie d’Oaxaca pour s’installer à Mexico et, pour gagner sa vie, s’est mise à travailler comme employée de maison. Mais, au fil des mauvais traitements qu’elle a subis, en tant que travailleuse domestique, elle s’est rendue compte que son...
English Español Zarina vit à Savda Ghevra, un campement de réinstallation, situé à la périphérie de Delhi, où elle est l’une des nombreuses travailleuses à domicile. Elle est couturière à domicile depuis des années, fabriquant des blouses et des sarraus pour les hôpitaux, sur commande, ainsi que...
English Français Zarina es una trabajadora en domicilio. Vive en Savda Ghevra, una colonia de reasentamiento en las afueras de Delhi, y trabaja en su hogar allí, al igual que muchas otras personas de la comunidad. Ha trabajado como modista fuera de su casa durante décadas, fabricando batas y...
Community paralegals –who are members of a community or group trained in the law to assist their fellow community or group members with legal issues– possess a combination of legal skills, contextual knowledge, accessibility and affordability that might prove well suited to support domestic workers...
Norma Palacios is one of the co-founders and leaders of SINACTRAHO, a domestic workers’ union in Mexico that seeks to raise awareness of their economic and labor situation, while empowering their members to demand and exercise their rights as workers. From the onset of the pandemic, Norma understood...
Videos / Slideshows / Audio
Millions of women work long hours, in dangerous conditions, for little pay. They are fighting for change, with the help of ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. Watch this video to learn how.
Workers Education/Organizing Materials
This manual helps street vendors learn more about the regulations that govern public space and how to defend the right to work in public space. It describes successful actions taken by street vendor organizations. And it offers information to help you organize and negotiate with local government.
WIEGO Working Papers
Mike Rogan reviews how informal workers are taxed, why there is growing interest in taxing them, and whether they should be included in the tax net.