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“Aplanar la curva” se ha convertido en el mantra de la pandemia del COVID-19, pero los pedidos de autoaislamiento y de distanciamiento social han profundizado drásticamente las desigualdades en nuestra sociedad, incluso entre la clase trabajadora. El distanciamiento social y el autoaislamiento son...
October 7 is World Day for Decent Work with a focus this year on “investing in the care economy.” Whether providing preventative health information, yoga classes or support in navigating official paperwork, community health workers spend their long days delivering invaluable benefits and care to...
Ninety-two per cent of women’s employment in the developing world is in the informal economy, and as urbanization proceeds an increasing number of these workers are to be found in cities. As they work to support themselves and their families, they lack protection and sufficient incomes to leave...
The World Bank’s recently released draft of the World Development Report (WDR) 2019 makes a controversial call to delink important social protections, such as social security and pensions, from employer-based schemes to meet the needs of a new world of work. Complete delinking, however, could have...
La atención sanitaria es un tema candente en todo el mundo. La Cobertura sanitaria universal (CSU) se ha convertido en un estandarte para los movimientos mundiales por la salud. Ha sido adoptado por el Banco Mundial y la Organización Mundial de la Salud como un objetivo fundamental, y está incluido...
Healthcare is a hot button issue around the world right now. As Universal Health Coverage (UHC) has become a rallying call for the global health movement, it has been embraced by both the World Bank and the World Health Organization as a core objective and is encapsulated within the United Nations’...
In India, the government has put in place well-meaning social security schemes, as well as health and nutrition programmes to combat malnutrition and increase health and well being in India. For the poor, these basic-needs schemes are especially important, but often unknown to them. SEWA's model...
By Laura Alfers and Francie Lund In 2007, the Thai government took an extraordinary step and instituted universally free public health services funded by general taxation. The Thai public health system has had impressive results, including decreased infant mortality rates, increased life expectancy...
Por Laura Alfers y Francie Lund En 2007, el gobierno tailandés dio un paso extraordinario, y estableció servicios sanitarios públicos gratuitos y universales financiados con impuestos generales. El programa sanitario público tailandés ha tenido impresionantes resultados, incluyendo menores tasas de...
Las discusiones sobre las desigualdades de salud se centran a menudo en los obstáculos que los pobres enfrentan en lo que concierne al acceso a los servicios de salud. Esto es, sin duda, un aspecto importante en el debate sobre la provisión de estos servicios. Sin embargo, lo que se ignora con...
Videos / Slideshows / Audio
Millions of women work long hours, in dangerous conditions, for little pay. They are fighting for change, with the help of ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. Watch this video to learn how.
Workers Education/Organizing Materials
This manual helps street vendors learn more about the regulations that govern public space and how to defend the right to work in public space. It describes successful actions taken by street vendor organizations. And it offers information to help you organize and negotiate with local government.
WIEGO Working Papers
Mike Rogan reviews how informal workers are taxed, why there is growing interest in taxing them, and whether they should be included in the tax net.