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Les informations recueillies lors du premier cycle de l’étude sur la crise de la COVID-19 et l’économie informelle menée par WIEGO dans 12 villes mettent en évidence trois patrons communs aux différents groupes de travailleuse•eur•s et aux différents continents. Le premier patron consiste dans une...
Data from the first round of the WIEGO-led COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy Study in 12 cities point to three common patterns across worker groups and continents. The first is a sudden and massive drop in earnings. Given that many informal workers earn day-to-day to meet basic needs, and...
Los datos arrojados por la primera fase del estudio sobre la crisis de la COVID-19 y la economía informal, dirigido por WIEGO en 12 ciudades, señalan tres patrones comunes a los grupos ocupacionales en todos los continentes. El primero es una caída repentina y masiva de los ingresos. Dado que muchas...
Street vendors in Mexico City are providing affordable food, in open-air settings, to food-insecure populations. Waste pickers in Accra provide recycling services at a time when recycling value chains have taken a hit. These are essential services that could be enhanced through inclusion into...
Las vendedoras y vendedores ambulantes de la Ciudad de México están brindándoles alimentos accesibles, al aire libre, a las poblaciones con inseguridad alimentaria. Las recicladoras y recicladores de Accra brindan servicios de reciclaje en un momento en que las cadenas de valor de reciclaje se ven...
Les vendeuse·eur·s de rue de Mexico fournissent de la nourriture à un prix abordable, dans des endroits en plein air, aux populations souffrant d'insécurité alimentaire. Les récupératrice·eur·s de matériaux à Accra fournissent des services de recyclage à un moment où les chaînes de valeur du...
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, with informal workers worldwide struggling to earn a living, the Ghanaian government began the decommissioning of Accra’s Kpone landfill site, displacing the over 300 workers who pick waste there.
En medio de la pandemia de COVID-19, mientras las personas trabajadoras en empleo informal de todo el mundo luchan por sobrevivir, el gobierno de Ghana comenzó el desmantelamiento del relleno sanitario de Kpone en Accra, desplazando así a más de 300 recicladoras y recicladores que recolectan...
En pleine pandémie COVID-19, alors que les travailleuse·eur·s de l’informel du monde entier luttent pour gagner leur vie, le gouvernement ghanéen a commencé à mettre hors service le site d’enfouissement de Kpone à Accra, déplaçant les plus de 300 travailleuse·eur·s qui y collectent des déchets.
By Jenna Harvey “I want to see an eviction-free city. I want to see them [street vendors] having a right to the city, where no government, no official, will harass them. But we have to do it under a regulation, even though we want access in the city — we want to operate in the city — we also believe...
Videos / Slideshows / Audio
Millions of women work long hours, in dangerous conditions, for little pay. They are fighting for change, with the help of ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. Watch this video to learn how.
Workers Education/Organizing Materials
This manual helps street vendors learn more about the regulations that govern public space and how to defend the right to work in public space. It describes successful actions taken by street vendor organizations. And it offers information to help you organize and negotiate with local government.
WIEGO Working Papers
Mike Rogan reviews how informal workers are taxed, why there is growing interest in taxing them, and whether they should be included in the tax net.