Edwin Bett, WIEGO
African home-based workers are at the bottom of craft supply chains. Through an increased understanding of those supply chains they could overcome some of the challenges they are facing and improve their livelihoods.
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Jenna Harvey, Ana Carolina Ogando
Aux quatre coins du monde, les normes démocratiques sont menacées et les conséquences à long terme s’annoncent graves. Les travailleuses et travailleurs de l’informel et autres groupes marginalisés vivent en ce moment des contrecoups des batailles durement livrées en faveur d’une participation et des droits accrus. Malgré ces revers, les organisations de travailleuses et travailleurs s’organisent et se dotent de stratégies novatrices pour faire progresser les pratiques démocratiques.
Jenna Harvey, Ana Carolina Ogando
Democratic norms are under threat worldwide. Informal workers and other marginalized groups are witnessing the reversal of hard-fought wins for increased participation and rights. But worker organizations are organizing and employing innovative strategies to advance democratic practices.
Carlin Carr
Inadequate infrastructure - particularly related to clean water and toilets - and the cost of accessing these takes a heavy toll on street and market vendors in urban centres, shows new research by WIEGO and International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), done with vendors in Nakuru (Kenya) and Durban (South Africa).
Ryan Thomas Devlin, Sarah Orleans Reed
“Lin’s” BBQ cart was once a busy operation in the center of downtown Flushing, a prosperous and predominately East Asian neighborhood in Queens, New York City. People used to wait in long lines for five-to-ten minutes just for a taste of lamb or chicken skewers, fresh off her charcoal grill.
Ryan Thomas Devlin, Sarah Orleans Reed
El carrito de barbacoa de Lin solía ser un negocio popular en el centro de Flushing, un barrio próspero en Queens, Nueva York, con una población predominante del este de Asia. La gente solía hacer largas filas de entre cinco y diez minutos solo para degustar las brochetas de cordero o de pollo, recién salidas de la parrilla de carbón.