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Todas y todos hemos visto imágenes al respecto: enormes montículos de basura con hombres y mujeres hurgando entre los desechos. Esta difícil situación ha aumentado la presión internacional respecto de los problemas ambientales y de salud pública de estos peligrosos sitios. A diferencia de los rellenos sanitarios, los vertederos a cielo abierto no están diseñados para proteger el medio ambiente y la salud humana.
Nous avons tous vu ces images : des monticules d’ordures avec d’hommes et femmes fouillant dans les déchets. Cette situation difficile a fait augmenter la pression internationale relative aux enjeux de l’environnement et la santé publique de ces si dangereux sites. Les décharges à ciel ouvert, à la différence des  sites d’enfouissement,n’ont pas été conçues pour protéger ni l’environnement ni la santé des êtres humains. 
In this podcast interview with Urban Research Director Caroline Skinner, she discusses WIEGO's new e-book, Street Vendors and Public Space: Essential insights on key trends and solutions. This all-in-one resource provides an important overview on the global context, issues and solutions for researchers, policymakers, activists and planners.

The world is rapidly transforming and one of the biggest trends right now is the new world of work. But forget all the talk about a future of automation and robots. We’ve already reached a tipping point: 61 per cent of the world’s workforce is now informally employed.


In 2019, informal workers made some noise — in their home cities and at the highest global change-making bodies. They took to the streets, met with local officials and stood in front on the International Labour Organization in Geneva demanding to be seen, heard and, ultimately, treated with the respect and dignity they deserve as workers.

And they won.